Idaho Falls Under Snow Alert
All the snow in recent days has prompted the City of Idaho Falls to declare a Snow Alert effective indefinitely. That gives the city street department a chance to clear the snow off the roads to make them safer for everyone to get around. This is only the second snow alert the mayor has declared for the city, but after getting an estimated 8 to 10 inches of snowfall since last Thursday night there's a lot of snow that has to be moved. Monday morning, the city street department had more than 60 city and contracted workers out removing snow. It is a massive effort to remove piles of snow. Workers will be out clearing the residential and main roads around the clock over the next few days. Under this Snow Alert, Monday was designated that all cars be off of the north and south streets by 8 a.m. or they are towed. Seargent Dave Frei with the Idaho Falls Police Department, who was out Monday morning working on ticketing and towing, asks everyone to pay attention to the Snow Alert by moving your car off the roads needing to be plowed. Sgt. Dave Frei: "Just be aware that tomorrow we're going to be out bright and early doing the east, west streets in the A zones and here if they can just have their cars moved before 8 o'clock it will be easiest for them, easiest for us." Tuesday the east and west streets will be plowed if your car is in the way, it will be towed around the corner and you will be ticketed 45 dollars. The mayor is the one who can cancel the snow alert and it will stay in effect until he determines it should end. For more details on this snow alert including a map of the streets go to the City of Idaho Falls website.
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