Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama calls for new manner forwards with the Muslim world

New President Barack Obama of the USA dedicated Tuesday to seek has new in front of manner with the Muslim world after eight years rock under his George W. Bush predecessor, but he also informed that the United States to demolish terror.

In its speech by taking the office, the also made promises echo of countryside of Obama for two principal Muslim nations by saying the United States will start to leave in a responsible way Iraq with its people, and forge a peace gained hard in Afghanistan.

Obama was dedicated to strike operation on the ground its first complete day in the White House Wednesday when the senate, according to a Democratic source of control, votes on its choice of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, the diplomat of the USA of chief.

Confronted with a whole of challenges discouraging through the Muslim world -- Palestinian territories towards Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan -- Obama gave a new tonality and promised a fresh balance under the diplomatic use, the soldiers and other forms of power.

Safety in the post 9/11 America, it pawned, will not come at the expense giving up the ideals of the USA of the freedom and the rule of the right, that the critics in the whole world say the administration of Bush trampled above by leading her war on terror.

In a blow with the unilateral military force that Bush employed to invade Iraq in 2003, Obama indicated the preceding American generations had demolishes the Fascism and the Communism with vigorous alliances and of the convictions of resistance without counting that the recourse to the armed intervention.

These generation knew that the USA safety emanates from justness of our cause, the force of our example, qualities of mixing of, humility and of constraint Obama said, referring to the charges of the arrogance moulded with the administration of Bush.

Its administration will be guided by principles such as it gathering these new threats which require. still larger a co-operation and arrangement enter, of nations Obama declared.

We will start to leave in a responsible way Iraq with its people, and forge a peace gained hard in, of Afghanistan it said.

During its long presidential campaign, Obama was dedicated to repair alliances, in particular with Europe, whose support it seeks to help to stabilize Afghanistan where the Taliban reappeared like threatens after his ousting by forces of the USA in 2001.

With old friends and old enemy, we will work inlassablement to decrease, nuclear power of threat it said.

It referred to has with new approach to both it and Clinton promised towards the control in Iran 'nuclear ambitions of S while diplomatically engaging with the country of Moslems shiites.

And for those which seek to advance their objectives by inducing the terror and the demolition of innocent, we say to you maintaining that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot survive us, and we will demolish you that, it informed.

As a nation of crucible, cannot help us but believe that old hatreds will spend one day; that the lines of the tribe will dissolve soon, it said.

With the Muslim world, we seek a new manner, based ahead on the mutual interest and, mutual of respect he added.

He did not refer any direct to the conflict Palestinian-Israeli which burst on December 27 again when Israel launched three weeks a military offensive against the islamist movement of Hamas to Gaza only to the stall in a precarious truce in end of the week.

Obama and Clinton were dedicated to treat this conflict immediately.

Washington Post indicated plans late Wednesday of Obama to call the former George conciliator of Northern Ireland Mitchell as a its new delegate of the Middle East.

Mitchell, 75, are the son of a Lebanese immigrant mother, and an Irish father who once lost his parents was adopted by a family Lebanese. The choice, if confirmed, seems together to alleviate the Arab and others critical which dispute Washington is eccentric in favour of Israel.


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